Monday 22 October 2007

a missterry gest

over the last fuw weeks my speshul hamster-sense has bin tellin me that ther is sumthin nu scamperin arownd the dounstares bit of my hoomans' hous, an so i deesided that i had betta do anuther investigayshun to see if the hoomans needed my help wiv anythin. an so i did an investigayshun wile i was scampering in my hamster bawl an wen the red-haird hooman wazzunt lookin an this is wot i saw:

happarently this is anutha hamster hoo has bin livvin dounstares for a wile but we havunt bin formerly introdoosed yet. the red-haird hooman sez this is beecoz she was scaird that we mite attack eachother. onnestly, hoomans must think we hamsters arr barbaric. wot kind of manners wud that sho if we just startid fightin? sounds mor like a hooman than a hamster too me.

ennyway i fownd out that the nu hamster is cawled Flop an is stayin dounstares until her hoomans hav mooved nest an then she can go home. i think she is nice.



falafel said...

I wos just sayin to my frend fregie on dogblof that i think the joys of fartherhud wil parss me by as wel as i nevar get to meet enny ladyy hammsters altho ladie hammsters send messijes to my blog an this is anuther ladye hammster I proberly wont meet verry nise tho.

Flaf xxx

Reel Widget said...

helo fijjet & yor frend flop! it is nise to kno yu ar makin new frends at home, i hope u r gettin on well. i hav a naybor who livs in a caje next to me who is a smal finch calld sparky, but shee is not ver frendli i am afrayd to say and has tryed to byte me so we r not allowd to play togethr. i hope ur noo frend is mor plite.
best nibbls, Widget