Thursday 11 October 2007

sillee hoomans

helo. today wunov my hoomans was dooing a sawt of investigayshun ov my livving area i think an she had a sawt of box wiv an eye on it. the hooman has starrtid callin me 'ratface' laytely i think she meens it as a turm of afekshun but i feel a bitt insultid an karnt see wye shee wud say it. i no ratts ar veree intelijunt anumuls an its not that that inshults me. i jus thort by now that my hoomans wud kno i was a hammster. hoomans ar not ver brite in my opinyon. ennyway heer is a picshure wat caym owt ov the box wiv the eye on it. thankyew.


falafel said...

yes i agree humuns ar verry silly an Wil (him at swindun collidge) sed i look mor like a skwir erm a scwiz erm a tree rat every day but wot dus he kno?

bi the wey yu ar my pin up

flaf xxxxxxx

falafel said...
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falafel said...

helo figet i just thort id menshun that the coment deletid bi the orther wos from me but bluger postid it twice an i deletid wun of them

flaf xxxxxxxxx

Reel Widget said...

helo frend fijet! my minion has binn luking at me with a eyebox too so i luked right bak into it i thort it was a gude game but the minion did complane that i wudnt stay in fokus. dont kno wot she wuz on abowt i was very fokussed abowt playin with it. wot silli hoomins!

Titus Rattus said...

Hy Fidget,

I fink tha Humun in questchun is thy Red haird Humun. I fink I have thunk bout this, an, she means nice stuf. The humun is callin yow names lyke Ratface as uh term ov indeermunt. Yow cud fill yow ample cheekies wiv cedes and yow wud look two chubby to b a ratty, so thy Red Haird won woodunt get confuzd. Yow wood have thort she wood hav seen yor lak of tale. Nay mind, she seems nise.