Thursday 4 October 2007

i like pees

hello i am fidget an tooday i went for a scamper along the karrpit and fownd sumthing nise too eet an heer it is i think the red haird hooman left it ther for me too find an it was nise thankyew


falafel said...

helo fidget iv never had pees tho thay look nise an rownd i like dander erm dendy erm weeds to eet an i was worreeed abowt my humun cos wen she sor yor advencher on my blog she (i think its a she but yew carnt always tel with humuns) larffed an larffed an larffed an i thort she wuld do herself a mischiff an then I wudunt get enny mor sunflour seeds.

Falafel xxx

Reel Widget said...

i like pees to, my minion always sez gives pees a chance. chance to wot? Escape? no fear, i like to squez them til there insides pop outsides, that shows them. Carnt be doin with sunflour seeds tho.
urs with nibbles, Widget

Cathy said...

Hi Fidget!

I've tagged you for a new taggy thingy which means you put a shot of your desktop on your blog.

If yer interested, see my blog for instructions!

FuzzyFelt said...

Our fidget has never had peas - perhaps I'll try it out. So far she has had:

Strawberry (her favourite)
Red pepper
Mange Tout
Baby corn