Saturday 13 October 2007

i hav bin tagged by Arnty Cathee

i had a messij from my arnty cathee (she is not reely my arnty as she is a hooman but she cud be a hammster in dissguyz beecoz she is ver cule) askin me to put a pikshure of my compoota desktop on this blog. i was confoozed at furst as i diddunt think peeple wud be intrestid in seeing a pikshure of a taybul, but then one of my hoomans hexplaned that it ment the pikshure i hav on my kompoota screen. aha. i hav to borro the red haird hooman's kompoota as i havunt sayved up enuff seeds to buy a lapptopp from PeaSeed Wurld (a reppootaybul kompoota wearhouse for hammsters) so heer is the pikshure from the hooman's kompoota:

happarently it is a pikshure of a hooman cawled Kassai Lajos hoo is a grate maker of a thing called a Hungarian Recurve Horse Bow an he lives in a countree cawled Hungary. maybee i will hav a bigg advenchure with the red haird hooman an go an meet him wun day. that wud bee cule. thankyew.


falafel said...

helo fidget i like yur hoomuns picktcher but i think i wuld like the top of the desc to as thay ar nise to scamper on an thay hav nise things to nibul on an i had an explor of anuther desctop wen i was in Lundun

an iv made sum mor frends an ther is sumwun corled 'Ambitious Hamster' (as yu can see she carnt spel as wel as i can) who rites to mee orl the way from america

and sumwun has sent me this link an i think yu ort to no abowt it to:

its ver gud an shows wot can be acheeved

nite nite

Flaf xxxxxxxxx

Reel Widget said...

helo fijjet! yor hoomins pikchur lukes a ver serius hoomin. praps it is cos he dusnt get enuf sleeep, luke at thos darrk things undr his iis!
wiv nibbls, Widget