Saturday 3 November 2007

anutha frend

helo. i thort yew peepul owt ther mite like to see anutha of my frends. he is a canairy cawled Charlie an he lives dounstares near wher Flop lives. he is very noisy an as yew can see from this eye-box pikshure the red-haird hooman tuk for me, charlie duzzent keep still for ver long.

charlie likes to sing and hop from perch to perch wenever the hoomans ar in the room, espeshully if they ar rustling plastik bags, washing up, playing moosic or yewsing a thing cawled a hoover. charlie yewsed to be reely red but now he is a kind of reddy-broun. maybe it is his winter fur. my fur has gone silvury now so i can hide from the hoomans if it snows. that wud be a fun advenchure. thankyew.

1 comment:

falafel said...

yu ar luckie havin orl thes frends fidget as orl my frends ar online aprt from my humun an she is online lots of the tyme but i still manidge to have a bit of a scamper rownd at nite

ther used to be budjees living her but thayve orl gon now ther ar burds in the garden thos but thay dont tork to me much